Sunday, September 15, 2013

Impressing The Cute Girl In College

#15 Act Like You Know
Have you heard the saying act like you belong here? Well with college girls, especially upperclassmen many guys feel like they are out of the loop. That is not the case; most college girls are just as clueless as you. Act like you know what you are doing and you will come out on top.

#14 Be a peacock.
Peacocks are excellent examples of how we should act around potential mates. They flaunt their feathers in hopes to attract a females attention. Stand out from the crowd by showing what you are made of.

#13 Become Prince Charming
College girls love men who are honest and chivalrous. Also, treating women with the dignity they deserve will show them you are not some dumb frat bro.

#12 GTL Like There's No Tomorrow
Forget the T and L just do the G. Most colleges have a student gym. Chances are you will run into your crush at the gym. Take the opportunity to show her your guns.

#11 Be The Class Clown
Well, not exactly. Spark some life into boring situations [and hopefully your crush] by cracking a joke here and there. Laughing is a good way to a girls heart. But don't overdo it.

#10 Chivalry Is Dead, So Bring It Back
Although you wouldn't think so, opening the door for the ladies is a good trait and they notice it. Besides looking good for holding the door open you can check where she sits and sit next to her.

#9 Create a Name For Yourself
Make yourself more intriguing by joining a club like Rugby, snowboarding, Fraternities etc. Ladies love it when there is more to a man then meets the eye.

#8 Don't Be a Nerd!
Unless the girl you like has huge spectacles and loves talking about quantum physics don't be a nerd. The truth is most girls like laid back funny guys.

#7 Use your Experience
If you have happen to have a crush on a freshmen then you are in luck! Go up to her and just start talking to her. The first guy she meets randomly in class will probably be her go to guy for the rest of he course.

#6 Do Your Homework
Girls want a guy with a solid head on his shoulders, and a bright future. If you need some help, maybe she can tutor you :)

#5 Try to Randomly bump In To Her
First off let us state that we don't mean to STALK her. If you know where she has class at then we suggest bumping in to her with some of your friends. A social setting will be more relaxed and provide you with a chance to introduce you to her friends. To more she knows about who you, the more likely she is to be attracted to you.

#4 Girls Love Fashion, Remember That!
So answer us this; Why would any girl give you a second look if you only spend a minute fixing yourself up. You don't need to spend hours on yourself but make sure to look presentable.

#3 Ice Breaker Tips 101
If you're having trouble figuring out how to approach this girl then try these full proof tips. Ask about her major, What dorm or part of the city she lives in and the most effective way ice breaker would be to form a study group with her.

#2 Avoided looking like a Jerk
Don't treat your crush like a piece of meat. Girls hate it when you say inappropriate comments while trying to get their attention.

#1 Just Ask Her Out
We can give you a million tips on how to attract college girls but the one most seem to ignore is asking her out. Girls in college are open minded and not afraid to try things out. Worst case scenario she gets a free meal out of it.

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