Sunday, September 15, 2013

How to Make Your Woman Swoon

#15 Tell Her She's Beautiful
Women love compliments but none as much as those that come from the one they love. There should never be any doubt in her mind that you find her attractive. Tell her every time.

#14 Reassure Her
Be the guy that's always in her corner, giving her sincere reassurance. If she's worried about that big interview, tell her how smart she is and what a great employee she'll be. If she's nervous about her new haircut, tell her how hot she looks. Whatever it is, just reassure her.

#13 Treat Her Like a Real Lady
It doesn't matter if she drives monster trucks for a living and hasn't worn a dress since childhood, every woman loves it when a man treats her like a lady. Bring her flowers, make her candlelight dinners, leave her love notes. Do all of those little "cheesy" things you might feel silly doing because they will make her feel like she is loved.

#12 Talk Her Up to Others
People don't like it when others talk about them behind their back unless something good is being said. When someone asks about your girl, tell them how amazing she is. It will eventually get back to her and when it does, she will love you for it.

#11 Be Helpful and Understanding
This is especially huge if she gets into some kind of trouble or is under a lot of stress. Be understanding of her situation and try to help her however you can.

#10 Listen To Her
Remember that you can hear someone without actually listening to them. When you listen to her, take a genuine interest in the things she has to say and respond by consoling her. This isn't a time to give her advice (unless she asks for it), she probably just wants to know you care.

#9 Just A Kiss
Don't be the kind of guy that only kisses when it can turn into something more. Show her you love to kiss her any time, not just when it could lead to a make-out session or sex.

#8 Tell Her When You Miss Her
You may think that being in love sort of automatically implies that you'd miss each other when there is distance between you, but it doesn't mean she doesn't still want to hear it.

#7 Embrace Her Quirks
Maybe she knows more about the world of comics than you and loves to knit or make crafts. Embrace all of those "odd" little things that make her who she is. In fact, those are probably all of the little things you adore about her.

#6 Admit When You're Wrong
It's like the old saying goes "do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?" Say you're sorry, it's worth it.

#5 Watch Her Favorite Film
So she watches The Vow too much, you're probably sick of hearing it but if you watch it with her voluntarily, you just might find yourself in one of those romantic situations she's always watching in the movies.

#4 Go The Extra Mile
There are a bunch of little things you can do each day to show her how much you care. Walk her home or surprise her with lunch at work. Do little things every day that go above what she was expecting and she'll be completely swept off her feet.

#3 Whisper Sweet Nothings
Lean in close and whisper something sweet to her. Tell her how beautiful she is or how much you love her. She'll love the intimate moment between you two.

#2 Smile At Her
One of the quickest ways to grab her attention is by making eye contact and smiling. Extra points if you wink like Ryan here (of course, if you happen to look anything like Ryan Gosling, you probably don't need to do anything more)

#1 Let Her Know You're Smitten
Women want to know their wanted and that their man is always eager to see her. You will make her happy by showing her that she is your every happiness.

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