Sunday, November 18, 2012


It seems as if the last few weeks have been a reminder that you cannot trust people, 
even people you think you know so well. People you think are the most honest, caring
and reliable people you have ever known are liars and cheats. You have no idea about
people until you have been burned by them. I was hurt more than I have ever been 
hurt in my entire life, and I lost a friendship over it. 

I pray that I will learn to trust again, but I think I will always proceed with caution.
This has made me bitter and cold, something I have never been before. I have been 
mad or had my feelings hurt before, but this has almost destroyed me. This person
knows my pain from my past and yet feels they must get there turn at bat or 
drive the nail in a little deeper. 

I refuse to be hurt, I have gave it all to God. I am a firm believer in Karma and
so I know things will turn on them in the end for hurting me so. I have always
been a trusting person and one who cares probably too deeply. Yet, I am a
survivor and I will get though this as I have every other pain that has came
my way. 

Shame on you! Shame on you for the lies you told and for hurting me!

I Am Thankful For All My Blessings

I am thankful for my many blessings and they are many. Like so many people I get bogged down
by life and therefore when I whine about being hurt by people I must sound as if I am not completely thankful for this life in which I lead. But, that couldn't be further from the truth. I thank God each and everyday for his many blessings he has bestowed upon me. I know where my blessings come from and I am thankful. Without God in my life there would be no blessings to speak of. I know that each person has to live there life and some do without God in it, but knowing God helps you see each new blessing as it arrives.

This last year has been a wake up call for me as far as romance and trusting people, but I am hopeful that God will help me over come this. I am still blessed to have lived and loved and we learn from the mistakes that we make. 

I am Thankful for my family, friends and each new breath I take
I am thankful for Bentley, Cara and Orion for they are my best 
friends and my babies. I am thankful for my Georgia Home and
my home here in Baltimore. I am Thankful that I have plenty to
eat and shelter from the storm. I am most thankful for my job and
the children I care for. I am thankful that I am able to do what I 
love and my reward is that of babies and children getting well and
going home. My list is endless for I have so much to be thankful for
and I count each blessing daily. 

I pray that you to can count your blessings
God Bless
Happy Thanksgiving