Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Walking Away and Moving On

Life the past few months have been unbearable for me. There is no explaining what happen or why, but it was. I was devastated and had no way to solve the problem and I tried to distance myself from it, but it was always there like a bad cold. I needed answers that never came until today. The outcome was simple, it hurt but I know now where I stand and I now have one foot from standing on higher ground. I am thankful that I have been freed from this torment with a few simple words that to some may mean nothing, but to me meant everything. 

Funny how you can have two people that know each other well, but they do not know what to say when it is all over. It meant nothing really on there part but to me it meant everything. I was stuck in limbo, and they held all the cards to my survival but could not comprehend that they held all the answers. Life is complicated enough without making it harder for someone else. I did forgive as I should and I am moving on.

Funny how you can truly love someone and they cannot love you back in the same way. I am told I can move on and have anyone I want but I can't because they are either dead or taken. Yes, I was dumped the person everyone claims can have anyone they want was dumped. I am not saying this out of bitterness, but I am tired of people telling me what I can or cannot have because I can't and never could. Everyone thinks life is simple for me, but it's not. No one ever sees me from the inside out only from the outside my appearance. 

If only someone could see the woman that I am inside. 

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