Saturday, September 14, 2013

Young Love Last Forever Series Pt. 2

Working on part two of Jason and my correspondence, and I almost wonder if I should just share every note or tell about what I read? I know the blog before seemed so juvenile, but it did my heart good to know exactly how strong our bond was, how our love developed and wow to realize how long our love lasted. I realize that when I first met Jason at 11 years old I knew nothing about love. Keep in mind back then sex was not even in the equation, I doubt either of us knew what it was. Jason like me, and I liked him and it was actually Joey Sloan that introduced us. I love going though this box and I have my brothers sending me at least two more boxes. The boxes aren't really big, but ones that my mama bought home office folders in and has each has a push through cardboard handle on each end I am sure you know the ones I mean?

As I said, I have many notes from Jason most folded in this box and there are so many, so I will move on to the letters. Letters were what you as a kid wrote on a piece of notebook paper and then gave to someone. Yes, we graduated from notes, to letters, then sending letters by mail when we both went off to college. We also had email, but back then there was one computer per house hold and everyone shared it. We had to limit our emails, instant messages, and were allowed more time if we had a school assignment. We didn't have cell phones, but adults did, so we had to talk on land lines, and pick up and give the phone to our parents if it was for them. Sometimes it was too late to call back and you had to go to bed by 9 pm no exceptions. OMG this is making me seem so old to the kids of today.

Here is a letter written by Jason to me while we were still in middle school. It is a 2 page letter in which he wrote on the from and back in red ink.

Amber, I want you to know I want to talk to you more, but it seems like we are headed to class eveytime I see you. you look pretty and I like the way your hair bounces when it aint in pigtails. I recon pigtails is alright but you look so pretty when it is down. I like the way you throw your head back to get your hair out of your eyes. it looks like one of them women that does those shampoo commercials you know the one I mean? I think it is panteen? Well she washes her hair it is wet but it don't show how she gets it dry, but she slings her hair like you do it shows all her pretty hair. Her hair is pretty and dark like yours and I think about you everytime I see that commercial. I think about you all the time, and all the guys are jealous you like me and not them. Jordan Capps said he went out with you before, but when I asked him questions like where you live, your digits, what your dogs name is or your favorite color he didnt know any of it. He was trying to make me think you liked him and you was bad but I know you. I know none of it is true. I wished we could have talked on the phone tonight so I could tell you, but I got in to late from the ball game and eating out at Wendy's. Oh in case you don't know we won and I made 2 touchdowns but the other players played well to. The coach said he was proud of us. I hope you can try out for cheerleader next year cause I would like to see you out there cheering me on. Plus you would be the prettiest cheer leader out there.I just think guys are jealous cause you like me but that makes me feel good that you like me and not them. (He drew heart and in the is JAT N ANW 4-Ever)( Me Present time....Awww how sweet.)

Page 2
It is almost 11 and I know you are asleep. I wonder what you look like when you sleep. I wonder if you snore? Everybody says I do but I never heard it. I keep asking my mom if you can come over to eat one night but she works and said you could when she makes something nice. I like everything she makes except Brussel spouts. yikes nasty. but she says it is the same thing as cabbage and I like cabbage but i don't think it is the same thing. What did you eat tonight? I always wonder about things you are doing like what yall eating, when yall go shopping what stores yall go to, if you have gone to bed yet or woke up, but then i wonder if you are thinking about me. I know like our parents say we are to young to date or care so much or we will get hurt, but I think when we grow up all this will be worth while. Who knows we might get married someday and I will be a airline pilot and I can take us any where cause they give employee discounts. Think about some place you would like me to fly you to when I get my job and I will fly us there. I wonder if they let the pilots use the jets on the weekends? I am gonna go now but I am thinking about you and what life will be like when we grow up.


I don't have my response letter and I really wish I knew what it was I said back to him. But, in answers to your questions Jason. Yes, I most certainly thought of you to. I hated that first year when I didn't get to see you play football that much. I still remember you holding my hand, but no kisses were involved for a while. As kids we took everything slow and easy and just cared about each other. I can still remember the first time you put your arm around me when I was 12 and I didn't have a jacket. It was about September in the evening and my mama took us and bought us a ice cream at Baskin Robins and we were sitting at this table out front with her watching us. You didn't have a jacket either and my teeth began to chatter. You said, Oh you are cold, put your arm around me and asked if that was better? I said yes it is and as I looked at mama, now I know it was pride on her face. Back then I thought she looked like she was about to cry because she was angry you put your arm around me. Looking back now I bet she thought Awww how cute! I am loving these letters Jason and now more than ever I know why I loved you. You are the sweetest boy on the planet. I can't wait to read more, but I'll make a night of this.

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