Thursday, August 15, 2013

INFERNO by Dan Brown Revised

Warning: Spoiler Alert!

1) I have seen that the primary figure in most of the action novels is a stand-in for the author. It is loosely based on the author or rather what he would like to be or thinks of himself. He is almost perfect, the women just love him. He escapes capture and defeat in the (n-1) th second. "Handsome face", "couldn't help liking the Harvard professor" are oft repeated.

2) The antagonist is deeply troubled by overpopulation and asks some pertinent questions but that plot is completely muddled up by introducing this concept of superhuman by the same set of people who want to alter gene sequences (YAWN)
And without doubt, I was rooting for them and when I knew the virus/bacterium had already been released that will make one-third of the earth's population infertile, my heart sang. YES!!

3) In Angels and Demons and Da Vinci code, the plot was clear. It unraveled well, with one plot leading o another. Here, so much of the symbolism goes over my head, I am unable to recall one clear

4) Brown has actually done a product placement in his book! What the.. No, I am not going to repeat it.

5) The writers should be taken to task for allowing such huge repetitions. Now, come on! The Guardian's review of the book had me LMAO.

Fiddlers Green Melody


Go!!!! 102 Year Old Dorothy Custer Base Jumps!

This lady truly inspires me. She lives outside the box and I can't wait to see what she does for her 103rd "Birthday"

Note to self: Steps to work towards this:

1) Don' t die (so far, so good)

2) Don't break your spinal cord or injure major body organs (Not assured for even the next 5 mins)

3) Go organic (Scouting affordable stores in Bangalore)

4) Hata yoga & Pranayam (Isha)

5) Work on functional fitness (trek ready anytime of the year, ready to haul saaku muttai if needed)

6) Keep the mind light and agile and happy, no grudges

7) Laugh 90% of the days (cheat by watching sitcoms, its ok), Music

8) Have great friends/spouse/children, but be awesome on your own!

9) Dedicate every cell of your being to work FOR something (pays - fine, doesn't pay - better)

10) Kiss a Dog/Kitten/Hamster everyday

The other bigger one cannot be belittled by putting it in some list. That is on irrespective of sickness and weakness. (Hint: SJV)



This is incredible I have never saw a jump of this magnitude. I would love to be right in the center joined hands with others and feeling the adrenaline rush that comes with skydiving. I am defiantly putting this maneuver on my bucket list.