Thursday, September 26, 2013


Yes I have wrote about God, my faith and yes there are those who will call me a hypocrite and who has called me on it before. I have posted several things in hopes that this person will take a second look and can find something salvageable within in me. I am not perfect, but neither is anyone that dwells upon this earth in the flesh. Yes, we can change our outer appearance,but do we really change our inner appearance (our hearts) that no one, but God can see? If we judge others for their beliefs other than our own, how they dress, how they pray, what they post on facebook, does that make us right?  No!

We have to first seek out God for ourselves, with a sincere heart, repenting for our sins seeking his forgiveness before the spirit of God shall dwell in us. Then does this make us superior to others? Do we need to change everyone we know or meet? Yes, we can try but we are known by the fruits that we bare. We witness to people with love, charity and kindness. We project something that those lost will feel they are lacking and they have to have. We don't leave messages on our facebook page if you don't have Jesus then you have nothing. I went to church today I'm going to heaven if you didn't your going to hell. I wonder does this person have a personal pipeline to Jesus that I don't know about? I say nothing. I know this person is new in Christ and may be doing what she is taught if so I would clearly think about changing churches.

My God loves everyone even the sinner. That is why there is a sinners prayer. Not everyone conforms to what you think a Christian is. When new in Christ we need a lot of work on ourselves, learning and growing in Christ. We can never take it upon ourselves to judge others since they have one judge just as you do. Be on fire for Jesus, but also ask yourself WWJD? Would he pray for the sick? Would he show love to others? Would he talk with everyone without judgement and show them the way to the truth? I honestly think so.

 Jesus is a perfectly holy, just and loving God that holds out his hand to everyone for their salvation. 

He is the first one to forgive us so we can live a holy and loving life like how he showed us. 

That's why he doesn't cast stones. 

Being human, we are prone to act on our human nature and want to deny our own transgressions by throwing stones and pointing fingers at others. 

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