Sunday, September 15, 2013


So you've found that cute guy, made eye contact and suddenly do your make up before you get on the train...It’s time to let him know you like him! You don’t have to risk embarrassment by telling him how you feel direct, instead here are my top ten ways to subtly show him you like him...


Not only will smiling show that you are friendly and fun, it’ll also get him wondering what you’re smiling about! Catch his eye, count to three and look away. This will create an intimate bond between you, and he’ll soon be wondering how he can make you smile. Just be careful not to stare!  There's a whole art of flirting with your eyes.  Practice at home in front of the mirror.  Look yourself in the eye, close your eyes and then turn your gaze away slowly moving your head to the side.  Or vice versa, looking somewhere in the distance, close your eyes and open them looking directly in the eye of the other person (or yourself, when practicing).  Do it slowly.  It's a very sexy move, so it'll definitely catch his attention.

Brush against him while getting on the train, touch his arm when you’re talking to him...find ways to touch him while you are talking. This is another way to create an instant bond, and it makes you seem much more friendly! Make sure your touches are light and soft, and he won’t be able to think about anything else...

So he told you his mum’s name, what he’s got her for Christmas and when his dog’s birthday is. Remember this! You can then drop it into conversation, and he’ll be flattered that you remember, and instantly closer to you. Share in his life! The more he opens up to you, the closer to you he will feel.  But make sure you do not get stuck in the friend zone.  Once he starts telling you about his girl problems, it might be time to let him know you want to be more than friends in a less secluded way.

Where is his favourite restaurant? What team does he support? Who would he love to see play live? Not only can you find things you have in common, and possibly arrange a date, you’ll have all the information you need to get the most amazing presents.   And you know what they say, people simply enjoy when other people want to know more about them, ask them questions.  It makes them feel good.  So why not to use this little trick on your sweetheart?

Laugh at his fluffy hair, or him having coffee round his may be childish, but it works! Tease him gently, and he’ll find you endearing, and want revenge. My best friend met her boyfriend by teasing him about almost missing the plane, he tickled her back and by the end of the flight it was love...  Oh, teasing, when done right, it can do miracles!  So many couples started like that, you have no idea!  So why not you?

It is often really hard for men to realize when we are interested, so you have to give him as many hints as possible. When you are talking to him, give him your full attention. Don’t text, and maintain eye contact. Laugh at anything that’s funny, and make sure you’re listening so you can comment back. As well as being subconsciously flattering, he’ll feel close to you, and he’ll eventually realize you like talking to him.

Getting involved in his life will make the transition from friend to girlfriend especially easy, so meet his friends if you can, and charm them all. But make sure you act slightly differently to him, or he might just think you’re a flirt, and not realize that you like him!  Ever so often, look at him.  And even when someone else is talking, look up at your special someone, so that they know that you are definitely interested in them.  Trying to be close is another way to show that you like the person.

While you don’t want to seem vain, make sure you’re looking good when you see him. Enhance your natural features and smile allot, and you can be sure that he’ll think you’re beautiful.  I know there are many girls who object to wearing makeup, but well done hair and a bit of skillfully applied mascara, foundation and lip gloss go a long way.  As do the smoothness of your skin and the smell of a nice perfume.  Make sure your nails and toe nails are in check and use some hand cream to make your skin irresistible to his touch.

This one is important. You’re looking great, you’re talking to him and touching it with confidence! Being confident instantly makes you come across as sexy and fun, and he’ll find it irresistible. If you aren't a confident person, fake it! It’ll come naturally once you've practiced a few times.  Some people confuse rudeness with confidence.  So what I really mean here - is walking and sitting up straight, smiling nicely, talking in a relaxed confident tone - not too loud yet not too quiet.  Practice a bit in front of the mirror and you'll see what I mean.  Or just imagine you are your favorite celebrity (for me it's Monica Bellucci and Gisele Bundchen) and walk and talk with the confidence they'd walk and talk.  And see how it works for you.


So you might have found the cutie you like for now, but don’t forget about everyone else while you’re seducing him. You might find someone much cuter, and it never hurts to have a back up plan!

So now you've got a sure fire way of showing him you like him, he should soon be asking you out! Watch his body language, and see how he responds to your flirting. This will give you a huge hint as to whether the feeling is mutual...and if it is, invite him out! There’s nothing sexier than a girl whose confident enough to make the first move.

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