Monday, July 29, 2013


Hello Readers,

I have not blogged in a while now. I have been recovering from surgery, but feeling better now. I am blessed with so many people who truly care about me and my well being. For those who have truly been understanding, caring and supportive I say thank you. To Haley Spencer, My daddy, Tony Landon, Andrea Lawson, Papa, Granny, Doug Wilson, Dana Wilson, Dylan & Dawson Wilson there is no way that simple thanks is sufficient enough because there is no way I could ever repay you for your caring and kindness. I will forever remain thankful to each of you.

When I was first released from the hospital I must say I did not follow doctors orders, but then I had to pay the price for it. Thankfully there are no long term problems resulting from my actions, but only I was not healing properly or as soon as I should have. So, last week I took my medicine as prescribed and slept for days. That was all I really needed to do in the first place, but I am hardheaded. =) My mind is clear and as sharp as a tack now. It became so hard to think clearly and I felt nauseated from the pain, but now the pain is starting to subside. I cannot wait to be back at 100% again. I am not there yet, but will be soon I am hopeful. I am the type of person that stays down for long, I pick myself up, dust myself off start over as if nothing has happened. I guess I can say that for all things in my life, except for losing Jason. Now that was the hardest thing I ever lived through and yes it still effects me today.

Everyday no matter how I feel I put a smile on my face and go out to meet the day. I give myself pep talks throughout the day and I try to encourage others in doing so. I hate to be around whiners ( oh poor me, no one loves me, I'm not pretty enough or handsome enough, smart enough, or I can't because I'm poor). Please people grow-up and take responsibility for your life, your actions and the situations you find yourself in because your action do effect others.I am sure that your family and friends are effected in some way, even if it is just having to listen to you. Listening to negativity will only bring you down so focus on positive things, positive people and you will feel yourself being transformed immediately.

I will be moving soon both in my career as well as my location and residence. I hate to move period! I do not mind so much relocating as I do packing and unpacking. I know for such a long move I will hire professional movers for the job I only pray they don't break anything. I won't say important, because I do not keep things unless it is important to me. When I receive mail for instance I look through it and throw out the junk mail right away. I put everything in containers and throw away boxes or bags when I get home from the grocery store. I so hate clutter. I like being able to see everything I have. I am actually looking forward to my last year as a peds fellow. I cannot wait for my life to really begin.

It should have been the first thing I did and not the last, but last but not least I thank God for his healing, his mercy and grace. I am truly blessed with such great people in my life, and the opportunity granted to make a difference in my life as well as others. I know that God never puts more on us than we can carry. I know that when I have stumbled he has always been there to catch me before I fell.I feel secure in the fact that he is still on the throne! I give him all the praise, the honor and glory for without him I would cease to be.  -AMEN!


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