Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Weeks Events

I have had a very long week, and so tonight I was very tired. I had another date with Kyle the man I met at Starbucks last week, and everything is going great so far. I enjoyed myself but I had to call it a early night, and I could tell that Kyle was disappointed. Only time will tell if I hear from him again, but I sure hope so. 

I was able to go to the salon this week and get my hair cut again. I am really loving this style on me and I do not have much to it to get ready for work in the mornings. I love going to the salon and being pampered by others. I love the feel of leaning back into the basin and being shampooed while someone massages my scalp.

My dog Bentley passed away earlier this week and I have been heart broken over it and Cara and Orion seem lost without him. I had waited so long to get another pet since I had lost my 13 year old English Bull some years ago. A friend of mine called me about adopting Bentley almost two years ago. He had been taken to a shelter when the police was sent out because someone had threw him out a car window.There are some very disturbed people in the world to do this to a defenseless animal. He was pretty bad when I first got him and would cringe when I went to touch him. The vet said he was a very lucky little fellow since he was 12 years old. I didn't think he looked that old so someone must of taken care of him at one time. We shall miss you Bentley. R.I.P. 

Last Saturday I had a lotto ticket to hit for 500.00. I wish I could have added another zero haha. But, no it was enough to go out and spoil myself a little.

Well that is about it I lead a very exciting life lots of work and little play makes Amber a dull girl.

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