Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Does My Blog Title Fit? You tell me

                       Living an Extraordinarily Beautiful Life

I know that what I write most of the time may seem as though I live the farthest thing from this title, but in truth my life is extraordinarily beautiful. Even though, I have had my share of heart break and major losses in life "My life is still beautiful" . Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are may chapters in my life ready to be lived and blogged about. 

I have loved and been loved in return by the most incredible man I have ever known. Although, he was called away to be with Jesus that one true love shall sustain me all the days of my life. To love and to be loved is the most beautiful thing on God's green earth. I know that I shall never know this kind of love again, but I smile each time I think of Jason and can see his kind and loving face. I can close my eyes and he is there. This beauty alone makes my life worth living. 

I see beauty in a new born baby, I see this beauty in a sunrise or a sunset, or to lie on the ground and watch the stars underneath a Georgia sky. I stop long enough to smell the roses. I love sights, colors, shapes and architecture, A old building can say a lot about the person that
designed it. A old house can say a lot about it's owner and the people who have lived there. I 
love my home, my heritage, and no one can make me feel inferior. 

I have the career I have always wanted, family and friends that truly make me happy. What else could a girl really need? As long as you have a love for God within you there will always be an Extraordinarily beautiful life. As long as you feel blessed with the things that you have and thank God for them everyday you are forever happy and smiling.

I know I am far from perfect, but I'd really like to be. I try not to judge others, but sometimes when I am hurt, the people who hurt me I have been known to lash back at them, only to feel bad and ask for forgiveness later. How can we seek forgiveness from God, if we ourselves cannot forgive our fellow man? 

For you see even though I may sometimes whine about the things that did not go my way, that does not mean that all in all that I am not living a beautiful life. Even with a broken heart I use that as a learning experience of what not to do again. I try to be a good person although many times I may fall short because I am flesh and bone. I do make mistakes, but I do try to rectify them. 

I feel as long as I am smiling someone is smiling back at me and I might just make there day a little better. Little things make me happy, like a ecard or a hand written letter in the mail from my granny. One of granny's hand made knitted Christmas sweaters that I wear once to make her happy and there is a new one every year. I want one year to have both mama's and daddy's families together for Christmas under one roof at my farm back home. These are things that make me happy. Or when Jason was alive he would go into the store to pay for gas and come out with a plastic or felt rose.   

I can find beauty in nature, walking, hiking and even in a lady bug I see on a leaf. I see beauty in the faces of my dogs as they beg for a treat. I saw beauty in the face of my very own English Bull with over bite and all (a face only a mama could love) His name was General Lee and I had him 13 years before his death. The General looked like the Georgia Bull Dog. 

I am happy for I am alive today thanks to a team of doctors that saved my life from a brain stem/ spinal cord injury I sustained in a car accident. I beat the odds and I am 100% healed. Well I always give God credit for my healing and he makes my life beautiful and happy I am still around to tell this story. 


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