Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In My Future

One day, with a warm cuppa green tea in one hand, I would look back at the remnants of my youth and tell myself that there was a reason for everything that had happened, and everything that didn't.

How many times have you thought that each occurrence in life is a separate entity on its own, completely having no relations to one another, only to eventually realize that the case might be otherwise?

Most often, a single decision you make has the potential to influence the consequential paths after. One thing leads to another, manifesting a snowball of effects and before you know it, you are caught within the momentum of events that you are unable to take control of.

What and where I am today, are a result of these effects.

Many a time, I question the reasons for the series of events that occur in my life - whether it was due to my split second decisions; whether they are right, whether they are likely to reap the best of outcomes. Obviously, not all things always goes my way, hence the enigma of how some things dictate their own course, with the capability to suddenly spiral out of your range of control.

When that particular day comes, when I (hopefully) achieve the stage where I am able to reminisce, I would probably think that through it all, I've had my fair share of wrong decisions made at the wrong times, regrettable actions or things that could have been, bitterness, words left unsaid, ties formed and bonds broken, all the works that each human cycle would likely take you through.

But, then again, whatever the reasons, I think I could say that through it all, I was happy enough.

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