Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Mama

Happy Birthday Mama I love and miss you so very much. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. 

You are now gone, but never forgotten. There is no way I could ever be who I am today without you and your impact on my life. I have made mistakes at times, but they were never enough for you to stop loving me. Everyone says what a good girl I am and what a great daughter I was to you for taking care of you while you were sick, buy it was you that cared for me while I was a baby and I just returned the favor. That is the cycle of life you have children and care for them and in the end when you become sick or old and feeble the kids take care of you. Well that is how I see it, so I never did anything that you didn't do for me or that my children someday would not do for me or I should hope. I regret nothing of the 10 months I took off to care for you I was blessed to be able to be there everyday as you finally left this world better than how you found it, and put your mark on this world. I know it is there I can see it each time I look in the mirror. 

I think we look a lot alike, I love this picture and the story behind it

This was you wedding day and in this picture you were looking at the pearls daddy bought for you to wear I have heard this story a thousand times as you waited in one of the "Sunday School Rooms" of paw-paw's church. You had to wait 45 minutes for daddy to arrive and you were nervous that he had got cold feet and left you at the alter, but daddy woke up late from his bachelor party the night before and was rushing everyone. He made it mama and although he had false he loved you until the day you died and so did I

Mama you are everything I want to be in a woman. You rode your own bike when there were not many bikers. You never took any BS off of a man, but was kind and considerate to those you loved, you loved your bike, animals, mudding, 4-wheeling, hunting, fishing and you always stood up for your friends and family. But, though it all you were a eloquent lady, you were beautiful, sexy at parties and yes men turned there heads, but you could dress in leather or camo and look just as pretty. You mama were a true "Southern Belle"

I pray that you are looking down on us today and can feel the love coming your way.

To the best mom ever I love you. 

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