Thursday, June 27, 2013


I worship a God who Redeems! He can bring any person out of the deepest pit of despair. He can bring purpose to a life which is filled with self-serving ambitions. Even when I think of someone who is so far from God that it seems impossible that they will ever find Him, I have Hope.

I praise a God of Mercy and Grace. He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast Love.
I praise a God with a plan to Redeem! He takes what is broken and He molds it into something new. Something even more beautiful that I could have  possibly imagined.
I praise a God of Justice. All those terrible things we see and we hear will not go unpunished. Vengeance will be the Lord's. Wrong will be made right. Evil will be punished.

Father, I praise you because you have redeemed me and you redeem me every day. You know my thoughts, my actions, my secret sins; yet, you are filled with grace and mercy. When I come before you, humbly and in faith, I know that you will forgive and that you are making me into a beautiful person.
May you redeem me everyday and make me into a person who loves limitlessly, who gives grace freely, who serves others humbly, and who lives in faith of your promises.

Father, I desperately want redemption for everyone. I want everyone person to experience the joy of a life saturated in grace and free from fear. I want chains to be broken and strongholds to be destroyed in every life. Open these hearts that they may reach out to you. I pray for their faith because even the smallest faith can move mountains. I pray for humility because pride and self-reliance bar us from receiving your grace. And I pray that You Lord would be glorified in the end.

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