Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love Hurts

Today I wrote a email to someone as confused and scared as I, but they have nothing to fear. My life will go on as it always does, and I will get up brush myself off and continue my life. God only knows that I do not have it in me to hurt another living being. I am not self centered. or self absorbed and I can truly see the big picture. I know that Knights and shinning armors only exist in the movies and you never truly meet them in real life. The person I wrote to found hers though and I know that she and he shall live happily ever after. For you see I slay the dragon that tried to destroy them. 

My heart breaks that I to can not find a love like this, but I know it must be out there. I must follow my heart and know when it is love for me or another. I was once loved by a prince named Jason. He loved everything about me, but he saw my heart before I fully developed into a woman so it was true love. We were soul mates. Our only only dream was to be together the rest of our lives, and to have babies and to live and to die as Noah & Allie in the (Notebook). I loved this man so much and he was the very air that I breathe, but God saw he needed an angel and so he took him from me. I want to love like this again, but I do believe that God only grants you one soul mate. 


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